[防疫公告] 聖宜讓妳安心來

In order to control Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), Saint Eir Clinic sincerely apologies for any inconvenience caused due to the treatment cancellation/postponing. Your health and safety is at the top of our priority list which is why we have to practice precautions. Please be informed that the treatment will be cancelled if you have fever symptoms. Also, we will not provide any service for the person who has the concerns of travel and cluster within 21 days. As the COVID-19 situation has become even severer, we are sorry that we will not accept visiting guests at the current moment.
- 入館前需出示疫苗接種證明(如小黃卡)
- 館內需配合相關防疫措施
- 落實「體溫量測」、「戴口罩就診」更安心
- 「 一人一室 」診療床使用拋棄式防護墊紙、手套,杜絕交叉感染
- 每次服務接觸前後,加強空間及手部清潔消毒
- 空間採完整空調清淨、殺菌機設備,強化空氣濾淨
- 開放陪同就診,飲食暫不開放
- 實施下載「臺灣社交距離App」檢驗入館(下載位置:iOS/Android)
疫情期間 體諒我們也保護您唷!